Terms & Conditions
(11) 93730-1034
(11) 2085-65452
Talk to us and we will be happy to help you!
UDBRAS COMERCIAL EIRELI, Av. Monteiro Lobato, 5904 - Cumbica, Guarulhos - SP, 07180-000, CNPJ: 38.826.999/0001-03, State Registration:, hereinafter referred to simply as UDBRAS, and, on the other hand, the customer of UDBRAS, qualified in the purchase of UDBRAS products, hereinafter referred to simply as Customer.
Considering that UDBRAS sells national products and services over the internet;
Considering that UDBRAS provides a sales channel for products and services from partners based in the national territory;
The purpose of this contract is to establish the general conditions of use and purchase of products and services by the Customer through the UDBRAS websites (www.udbras.com.br) (“Websites”).
1.1. UDBRAS is responsible for preserving the confidentiality of all data and information provided by the Customer in the purchase process.
1.2. The Client, in turn, undertakes not to make his passwords to access the Websites available to third parties, as well as to take reasonable steps to keep his information confidential. If the Client identifies and/or suspects that third parties have had access to his passwords, he undertakes to inform UDBRAS so that the necessary measures can be taken.
1.3. Only legal accounts and individuals over 18 (eighteen) years of age may register and use the services provided by UDBRAS. We reserve the right to delete the registration and cancel orders for minors, however amounts paid for services already provided will not be refunded in case of proof of violation of this rule.
1.4. By completing the registration, the Client declares that the information that identifies him/her is true, accurate and complete, as well as declares himself/herself aware that any falsehoods may subject him/her to criminal and civil liabilities, in accordance with Brazilian legislation.
1.5. The Customer expressly authorizes that its information and personal data be shared by UDBRAS in the following cases:
1.5.1 with the other companies that are part of the economic group and authorities, as necessary for the purchase process and compliance with the legislation in force;
1.5.2 with commercial partners, with which UDBRAS maintains a collaborative or partnership relationship, in order to offer financial solutions and a pre-approved line of credit.
2. Opinions, ratings and questions from registered customers
2.1. In order to improve the services and so that the Customers can make the best purchase choice, the Customer may post opinions, evaluations, comments and send questions.
2.2. By submitting any content, the Customer represents and warrants that:
i) is the exclusive author and owner of the rights related to the posted contents;
ii) the content is secure and accurate;
iii) use of the provided content does not violate UDBRAS policies and will not cause harm to any person or entity.
2.3. The content posted by the Client may not be false, inaccurate, deceptive, defamatory, libelous, hateful, racially or religiously prejudiced or offensive, threatening, harmful to third parties, political in nature, infringing legislation, violating copyright or intellectual property rights, making reference to other websites, addresses, email addresses, contact information or telephone numbers, and may not contain any computer viruses, worms or other potentially harmful files or programs.
2.4. UDBRAS assumes no responsibility for the content provided and posted by its Clients. However, UDBRAS is entitled not to publish or exclude any opinion, evaluation, data, questions or any other content that is characterized as contrary to the Law, constitutional, moral and ethical principles, as well as those that violate the terms and conditions. of UDBRAS, without the right to refund any amount eventually paid by the Customer.
2.5. Authors of offensive comments or in disagreement with the Company's guidelines may be held civilly and criminally liable for published content that violates the Law and/or harms the rights of third parties and/or UDBRAS. The Customer agrees to indemnify the Company for all damages, losses, losses and expenses, of any kind and nature, arising out of or related to claims arising from the content that the Customer provides.
3. customer service (sac)
3.1. The Customer has this service to solve his doubts, resolve any requests or complaints regarding his order or any content made available on the Website. The SAC can be contacted by calling (11) 9 3730-1034, using the Website form or sending an email to sac@udbras.com.br, all available at our "Customer Service" (SAC).
4. delivery policy
4.1. The deadline for delivery of the Products is informed during the purchase procedure, being counted in working days. Deliveries of the Products are carried out from Monday to Saturday, from 8 am to 10 pm. Exceptionally, some deliveries of Products may take place on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
4.2. The verification of the adequacy of the dimensions of the Product is the exclusive responsibility of the Customer, who must ensure that they are in accordance with the spatial limits of the elevators, doors and corridors at the place of delivery. There will be no assembly or disassembly of the Product, transport by stairs and/or doors and windows, or lifting of the goods.
4.3. Up to three delivery attempts will be made at the location informed by the Customer, on alternate days, with an interval of up to 48 hours between one delivery and another. It is essential that, at the given address, there is a person authorized by the buyer, over 18 years of age and responsible, carrying an identification document to receive the goods and sign the delivery protocol. If there are three unsuccessful delivery attempts, the Customer understands and accepts that the order will be returned to the UDBRAS Distribution Center.
4.4. After completing the order, it is not possible to change the payment method and/or the delivery address, request an advance payment or even the priority of delivery.
4.5. The delivery time informed during the Product purchase procedure takes into account the stock, the region, the invoice issuance process and the Product preparation time. With each update in the order's delivery status, the UDBRAS system automatically sends alert e-mails to the Customer.
4.6. The value of the freight of the delivery is calculated based on the place of delivery, weight and dimensions of the Product, cubage.
4.7. UDBRAS does not authorize the carrier to:
· Deliver the Product by alternative means (example: hoisting Product through the window);
· Perform installation or maintenance of Products;
· Open the Product packaging;
· Make delivery to an address different from that shown on the invoice;
· Deliver the Product to a person under the age of 18 and/or without an identification document.
4.8. UDBRAS is not responsible for the retention of goods at the Treasury Department - SEFAZ when this is due exclusively to the customer's pending issues, therefore, it is necessary for the customer to appear at the tax office so that the goods are duly released, considering that in these cases information regarding releases and payments are only passed on to interested parties.
5. right of repentance
5.1. The Customer will be entitled to exercise the right to regret the purchase, with the purpose of returning the Product, in which case the following conditions must be observed:
· The withdrawal period for the purchase of the Product is up to 7 (seven) calendar days, counting from the date of receipt, according to article 49 of the CDC;
· The withdrawal period for the purchase of products in the Fashion category is up to 30 (thirty) calendar days, counting from the date of receipt of the Product;
· In case of withdrawal from the purchase, the Product must be returned to UDBRAS in the original or similar packaging, accompanied by the invoice, manual and all its accessories.
5.2. The Customer must request the return through the Customer Service (SAC) or directly in the Control Panel, in the topic "cancel order". The expenses arising from the collection or postage of the Product will be borne by UDBRAS.
5.3. Upon arrival of the Product, UDBRAS will verify that the above conditions have been met. If so, it will provide a refund of the total purchase price.
5.4. In credit card purchases, the card administrator will be notified and the chargeback will occur on the next or subsequent invoice, at once, regardless of the number of installments used in the purchase. The reimbursement period and, also, the collection of the remaining installments after the full reversal of the Product value on the Customer's credit card carried out by UDBRAS, is the exclusive responsibility of the card administrator. In the event of collection of future installments by the card administrator, the Customer will not be encumbered, since UDBRAS, as mentioned above, carries out the reversal of the full value of the Product in a single installment, with the credit referring to the reversal granted in full by card administrator on the billing invoice subsequent to the month of cancellation.
5.5. In purchases paid with bank slip, debit or PIX, the refund will be made by bank deposit, within 10 (ten) business days, only in the buyer's current account, which must be individual. It is necessary that the CPF of the current account holder is the same that appears in the order (Customer CPF). If the buyer does not have a current account that meets the aforementioned conditions, a Payment Order will be sent, within the same period, in the name of the holder of the purchase. It can be redeemed at any Caixa Econômica Federal branch, upon presentation of an identity document and CPF.
5.6. In purchases with a voucher or any other form of payment, it is possible to receive a voucher in the same amount as the purchase. In case of cancellation of the voucher, the refund will be made in the same form of payment chosen in the purchase process, with no refund of the amount of the voucher applied.
5.7. UDBRAS disclaims the obligation to cancel any Product that does not meet the requirements listed in this device.
6. exchanges and returns policy
6.1. All occurrences involving exchange or return will be dealt with as provided for in the Consumer Protection Code.
6.2. The Customer must request the exchange or return through the Customer Service (SAC) or directly in the Control Panel, in the topic "cancel order". The expenses arising from the collection or postage of the Product will be borne by UDBRAS.
6.3. The Product must be returned to UDBRAS in the original or similar packaging, accompanied by the invoice, manual and all its accessories.
6.4. Upon arrival of the Product to UDBRAS, it will verify that the above conditions have been met. If so, it will arrange for the refund or exchange of the Product in accordance with the request made by the Customer.
6.5. Exchange of products in the Fashion category: The customer may change the size or color of the Fashion items, or exchange them for any product available for sale on the website, regardless of the category, brand or collection, as long as they meet the amount already paid or complete the difference to be used with a credit card. The exchange is subject to the availability of the Product in stock. The deadline for requesting the exchange of fashion items, even in cases where there is no vice or defect in the Product, is 30 calendar days from the date of delivery.
6.6. UDBRAS disclaims the obligation to respond to requests for exchange or return of any returned Product without the Customer Service department being notified, or in cases of direct request in the Control Panel, after the deadline or in the absence of items/ accompanying accessories.
7. Payment methods accepted
7.1. Cash payment: Bank slip; Account debit; Credit card; PIX
7.2. Payment in installments: Credit card.
7.3. For credit card payments, the order will be subject to approval by the card issuer. The information contained in the registration is subject to confirmation, which may be requested by UDBRAS by e-mail.
7.4. The Customer may purchase the voucher after canceling an order placed on the UDBRAS website, or also receive a gift. The voucher will have its value converted into purchases on the Website itself.
7.5. To pay with a voucher, the customer must unlock the voucher before making the new purchase.
7.6. The Customer accepts and acknowledges that the voucher expires one year after the date of receipt and is identified by the buyer's CPF, which prevents its use by third parties.
7.7. If the value of the voucher is less than the purchase price, the Customer may pay the difference. If the value of the voucher is greater than that of the purchase, the Customer may use the difference in other purchases at UDBRAS later, requesting them through the SAC.
8. Delivery times and payment method
8.1. Purchases paid by credit card: the delivery time is considered from the verification of registration data and confirmation of payment by the card administrator. Confirmation is carried out within two calendar days, and in case of registration divergence, UDBRAS will contact the buyer.
8.2. Purchases paid by bank slip: the delivery deadline is considered from the confirmation of payment by the bank. Confirmation takes place within three working days after payment.
8.3. Purchases paid by direct debit or PIX: the delivery time is considered from the confirmation of payment by the bank. Confirmation takes place within two calendar days.
8.4. Purchases paid for by voucher: if the voucher value is greater than or equal to the purchase value, the delivery period is considered from the confirmation of payment, which occurs within 72 hours; if the value of the voucher is less than the purchase value, the difference can only be paid by credit card or pix and the delivery period starts counting after the payment has been approved by the card company.
10. offers
10.1. Offers can be found on the main page of the UDBRAS website and in the list of departments. However, an offer may be withdrawn from the website when the Products in stock are sold out and it is not possible to replace them with our suppliers.
10.2. The Customer must carefully read the regulation of each offer before closing the purchase. In case of doubt, the Customer should contact our Customer Service Department (SAC).
13. product characteristics and health risk
13.1. Before purchasing a Product, the Customer must carefully read the description of use and handling on its page, as well as the indication of age group. In case of doubt, you should contact the Customer Service Sector (SAC).
14. Act of God and force majeure
14.1. Neither party will be liable to the other for any failure or delay in fulfilling the obligations contained in this contract caused by acts of God or force majeure.
15. forum
15.1. The Customer's domicile venue is chosen to settle any disputes regarding this contract.